Balance, dizziness and sensory disturbances

  • CBR29. Marshall S, Lithopoulos A, Curran D, Fischer L, Velikonja D, Bayley M. Living concussion guidelines: Guideline for concussion and prolonged symptoms for adults 18 years or older 2023 [Available from:]Adapted29
  • Vision

    • EBR (conditional)323-32629. Marshall S, Lithopoulos A, Curran D, Fischer L, Velikonja D, Bayley M. Living concussion guidelines: Guideline for concussion and prolonged symptoms for adults 18 years or older 2023 [Available from:]
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    • EBR (conditional)327, 32830. Zemek R, Reed N, Dawson J, Ledoux AA. Living guideline for pediatric concussion care 2023 [Available from:;
      327. Barnett BP, Singman EL. Vision concerns after mild traumatic brain injury. Curr Treat Options Neurol. 2015;17(2):329. doi: 10.1007/s11940-014-0329-y.
      328. Simpson-Jones ME, Hunt AW. Vision rehabilitation interventions following mild traumatic brain injury: a scoping review. Disabil Rehabil. 2019;41(18):2206-22. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2018.1460407.
    • 29. Marshall S, Lithopoulos A, Curran D, Fischer L, Velikonja D, Bayley M. Living concussion guidelines: Guideline for concussion and prolonged symptoms for adults 18 years or older 2023 [Available from:]Adapted29
    • EBR (conditional)327, 32830. Zemek R, Reed N, Dawson J, Ledoux AA. Living guideline for pediatric concussion care 2023 [Available from:;
      327. Barnett BP, Singman EL. Vision concerns after mild traumatic brain injury. Curr Treat Options Neurol. 2015;17(2):329. doi: 10.1007/s11940-014-0329-y.
      328. Simpson-Jones ME, Hunt AW. Vision rehabilitation interventions following mild traumatic brain injury: a scoping review. Disabil Rehabil. 2019;41(18):2206-22. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2018.1460407.
    • CBR30. Zemek R, Reed N, Dawson J, Ledoux AA. Living guideline for pediatric concussion care 2023 [Available from: www.pedsconcussion.com
    • 30. Zemek R, Reed N, Dawson J, Ledoux AA. Living guideline for pediatric concussion care 2023 [Available from: www.pedsconcussion.com
    • CBR29. Marshall S, Lithopoulos A, Curran D, Fischer L, Velikonja D, Bayley M. Living concussion guidelines: Guideline for concussion and prolonged symptoms for adults 18 years or older 2023 [Available from:]Adapted29
    • CBR30. Zemek R, Reed N, Dawson J, Ledoux AA. Living guideline for pediatric concussion care 2023 [Available from: www.pedsconcussion.com
    • EBR (conditional)336, 33729. Marshall S, Lithopoulos A, Curran D, Fischer L, Velikonja D, Bayley M. Living concussion guidelines: Guideline for concussion and prolonged symptoms for adults 18 years or older 2023 [Available from:]
      336. Santhanam P, Meehan A, Orrison WW, Wilson SH, Oakes TR, Weaver LK. Central auditory processing disorders after mild traumatic brain injury. Undersea Hyperb Med. 2019;46(3):261-9. doi:
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    • CBR30. Zemek R, Reed N, Dawson J, Ledoux AA. Living guideline for pediatric concussion care 2023 [Available from: www.pedsconcussion.com
    • EBR (conditional)187, 329-33229. Marshall S, Lithopoulos A, Curran D, Fischer L, Velikonja D, Bayley M. Living concussion guidelines: Guideline for concussion and prolonged symptoms for adults 18 years or older 2023 [Available from:]
      187. Rytter HM, Graff HJ, Henriksen HK, Aaen N, Hartvigsen J, Hoegh M, et al. Nonpharmacological Treatment of Persistent Postconcussion Symptoms in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis and Guideline Recommendation. JAMA Netw Open. 2021;4(11):e2132221. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.32221.
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    • CBR29. Marshall S, Lithopoulos A, Curran D, Fischer L, Velikonja D, Bayley M. Living concussion guidelines: Guideline for concussion and prolonged symptoms for adults 18 years or older 2023 [Available from:]Adapted29
    • EBR (conditional)327, 32830. Zemek R, Reed N, Dawson J, Ledoux AA. Living guideline for pediatric concussion care 2023 [Available from:;
      327. Barnett BP, Singman EL. Vision concerns after mild traumatic brain injury. Curr Treat Options Neurol. 2015;17(2):329. doi: 10.1007/s11940-014-0329-y.
      328. Simpson-Jones ME, Hunt AW. Vision rehabilitation interventions following mild traumatic brain injury: a scoping review. Disabil Rehabil. 2019;41(18):2206-22. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2018.1460407.
    • EBR (strong)333-33529. Marshall S, Lithopoulos A, Curran D, Fischer L, Velikonja D, Bayley M. Living concussion guidelines: Guideline for concussion and prolonged symptoms for adults 18 years or older 2023 [Available from:]
      333. Galeno E, Pullano E, Mourad F, Galeoto G, Frontani F. Effectiveness of vestibular rehabilitation after concussion: a systematic review of randomised controlled trial. Healthcare (Basel). 2022;11(1). doi: 10.3390/healthcare11010090.
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    • CBR29. Marshall S, Lithopoulos A, Curran D, Fischer L, Velikonja D, Bayley M. Living concussion guidelines: Guideline for concussion and prolonged symptoms for adults 18 years or older 2023 [Available from:]Adapted29
    • CBR29. Marshall S, Lithopoulos A, Curran D, Fischer L, Velikonja D, Bayley M. Living concussion guidelines: Guideline for concussion and prolonged symptoms for adults 18 years or older 2023 [Available from:]Adapted29