
Meta-guideline approach

Closely aligned to the ADAPTE approach

  • Identification of relevant guidelines

    Assessing and selecting acceptable source guidelines

    • Abbreviations: CDC = Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; mTBI = mild traumatic brain injury; ND = not done; PREDICT = Paediatric Research in Emergency Departments International Collaborative.

    Extraction of recommendations

    Considered judgement process

    Sport-related concussion

    The 2023 Consensus Statement on concussion in sport was considered the primary source of evidence for sport-related concussion recommendations due to its recency and the extensive systematic reviews performed to inform the statement. Sport-related concussion recommendations from other source guidelines were often informed by the prior consensus statement published in 2017, and were therefore considered less recent and not prioritised.


    • CBR = consensus-based recommendation; EBR = evidence-based recommendation; PP = practice point.

De novo evidence review approach

Clinical questions

  • Eligibility criteria

    • Abbreviations: mTBI = mild traumatic brain injury.

    • Abbreviations: mTBI = mild traumatic brain injury.

    Literature search

    Study eligibility

    Assessment of the evidence