Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Clinical Practice Guideline for the assessment and management of mild traumatic brain injury
To improve outcomes, optimize resource utilization, and increase cost-effectiveness.
Closely aligned to the ADAPTE approach: a pragmatic process to expedite guideline development through analysis, synthesis and expansion of existing high-quality national and international guidelines.
Involving multi-disciplinary medical and allied health professionals, and consumer representatives, including public consultation.
To provide guidance and resources for health professionals and consumers.
The GDG included medical specialists (general practice, neurology, neurosurgery, sports medicine, rehabilitation medicine, emergency medicine, geriatrics, rural medicine), allied health (physiotherapy, sport and exercise science, vestibular physiotherapy, neuropsychology), guideline development experts, and academic researchers, across pediatric, adult, elderly populations.
The GDG also involved consumer representation and advocates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, Maori and Pacifica populations, and people living with disability. Additionally, a Consumer Working Group informed the GDG across scope, lived experience, and areas of need. This group was composed of Australians and New Zealanders who have experienced or cared for a family member with mTBI/concussion, and included Aboriginal and Maori.
Finally, the GDG was also informed by a subgroup of physiotherapists and occupational therapists who were consulted in areas specific to their expertise. Relevant advice was also sought from subspecialists such as ethicists, haematologists, and geriatricians.
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